Bevington And Robinson Pdf To Word
Description of the class The Junior Lab 307L is a laboratory course with experiments in modern physics for advanced undergraduate students. Students will obtain expertise in laboratory equipment, data analysis, error analysis and in writing formal reports in a scientific format. The course consists of one lecture per week and one 3-hour lab session per week. Students will perform experiments for the measurement of fundamental constants and experiments related to Modern Physics. The lectures will be focused on statistical tools and techniques for error analysis and data reduction for interpretation of the experimental results. Pre-requisites: Calculus, Basic elements of statistics; Computational tools, Basic electronics and optics. (290 required).
Bevington And Robinson Pdf Files. Lakeland, Florida. Notable locations in Lakeland: La Cita Golf and Country Club (A), Kissimmee Bay Country Club (B).
Lectures: Monday, 13:00-13:50, P&A Room 184. Lectures will cover topics related to elements of statistics and error analysis for the proper treatment of the experimental data. See for details. Lab Sessions: Monday, 14:00-16:50, Section 1; and Tuesday, 9:00-11:50, Section 2. You must complete 6 experiments from the list below (one every two weeks), plus the oscilloscope experiment (one week), which is mandatory. For the experiments, you will use guides from the Junior Lab from Prof. Michael Gold, but some experiments have been updated.
The updated guides for the experiments to be followed are: • (First week) - Choose 4 experiments from the 7 below: • • • • • • • - Choose 2 experiments from the 3 below: • • • Each experiment will be scheduled for two weeks. Students need to schedule the experiments in advance to ensure availability.
There will be a calendar kept by the instructor and the TA. Textbook The lectures will be based on several books (mainly based on Bevington & Robinson, and Melissinos Ch10). Below are some very good references for statistics and modern physics. • - Phillip R. Bevington and D. Atapi Dvd A Dh20a4p Ata Device Driver. Keith Robinson (McGraw Hill, Inc., 2003, ISBN 0-07-247227-8). Taylor (University Science Books, 1997, ISBN 0-935702-75-X). Davis, and M.
A. Coplan (Cambridge University Press, Fourth Edition, 2009, ISBN 978-0-521-87858-6). Additional resources (Academic Press, 2nd Edition): Adrian C.
Melissinos, Jim Napolitano. 2nd Edition: E. Saleh, Malvin Carl Teich. Office hours. You may arrange a meeting with the instructor via email. TA office hours: You may also arrange a meeting with the TA via email.
Grading • Homework 10% • Lab Notebook 40% • Formal Reports: 40% (2 in total) • Oral presentation: 10% Homework: There will be regular assignments related to basic statistics, error analysis, curve fitting and basic programming. The assignments will be given throughout the semester, about one per week, and will be posted in the.
Assignments are due at the beginning of the class. Homework is individual; you may not copy another student's work. Lab Notebook: You will keep a lab notebook where you will describe the experimental procedure and perform the data and error analysis. The guidelines are here: Formal Reports: You will write two formal reports from two experiments that you performed in the laboratory.
3d Human Heart Free Download here. The guidelines are here:. Lab reports should be typed and submitted as a word or PDF document by email with the subject “Lab Report #” followed by the number of the lab report: 1.
The file name should be your last name followed by the name of the experiment. Lab reports are individual (i.e. Each person needs to submit their own). Draft of Lab report #1 will be reviewed and returned to you to make revisions.
Published physics papers such as in,, etc. Provide a good guide for writing your lab report. IMPORTANT: Use your own words. Do not copy from your classmates or any other resource, including lab guides.
This is considered Academic Dishonestiy. Instead, read, understand and write with your own words. Scientific papers are the product of your understanding and your own work, and not of other people's work. Presentation: Each student will give a presentation at the end of the semester about an experiment (12 minutes+ 3 for questions). It should duscuss applications of the subject studied to science and/or technology.;. Due Dates Date Description 02/27 (M) Group1 / 02/28 (T) Group2 03/02 (Th) Lab notebook with Experiments 1 & 2 Draft of 1st Formal Report (via email 5pm) 03/20 (M) 1st Formal Report (via email 5pm) 04/03 (M) Group1 / 04/04 (T) Group2 Lab notebook with Experiments 3 & 4 05/01 (M) Group1 & 2 05/03 (W) Lab notebook with Experiments 5 & 6 2rd Formal Report (via email 5pm) Late work policy: Late work within 3 days after the deadline is accepted for 50% of the grade. No grade is given after that.
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