Bring It On Script Pdf

Both of these possibilities for registering scripts required a key/script set of parameters. Because two separate methods were involved, there was an extreme possibility that some key name collisions would occur. ClientScript property is meant to bring all the script registrations under one umbrella, making your. SCAN OF SCRIPT.pdf - Shanghai American School. 3et our, get our, get our, get our head in the game. (TRoY:) make sure that we get the re - bound. 'cause when we get it, then the crowd will go wild. Get- 'cha, get-'cha head in the game._. A sec- ond chance, got- ta grab it and go. Maybe this time, we'llhit the right notes. Get our, get our, get our, get our head in the. Movie Transcripts A to C - These are not scripts, but rather someone has painstakingly watched the movie and written down everything that was said.
PART 1 (opening act) Toros squad I'm sexy! I'm popular to boot! The boys all love to stare! I'm wanted, I'm hot, I'm everything you're not! I'm pretty, I'm cool, I dominate the school! Guys wanna touch my chest!
I'm rockin', I smile, and many think I'm vile. I'm flyin', I jump, you can look, but don't you hump. I swear I'm not a whore! We cheer and we lead!
We act like we're on speed! Hate us 'cause we're beautiful, but we don't like you either! We're cheerleaders! Bluetooth Serial Connection Matlab Free more. We are cheerleaders! Big Red Call me Big red.
Whitney I'm whoa-whoa-Whitney. Courtney C-c-c-courtney. Darcy Dude it's Darcy. Carver I'm big, bad carver! Kasey They call me Kasey-- Big red I'm still Big red. And now I pass the torch. The ballots are in, and one girl has to win.
She's perky, she's fun, and now she's number one. K-k-kick it Torrance.t-t-t-Torrance. Torrance I'm strong and I'm loud.
I'm gonna make you proud, I'm t-t-t-Torrance. Your captain Torrance. Let's go, Toros! We are the Toros! The mighty, mighty Toros!
We're so terrific, we must be toros! (Torrance disappear from the scene only to appear topless) Boy 1 My god! Boy 2 Nice bra! Torrance Huh?
Check out them hooters! Torrance Aaaaah! (wakes up screaming in bed) Oh, shit. (intro music) Aaron He-hey, Mr. Shipman Oh, look. Hello, Aaron. Aaron Hey, Can I help?
Shipman Oh, no. We're fine, thanks. Stay in your vehicle. Aaron Uh-uh-uh! (Torrance came running from the house) Torrance Bye!
Be back later! Shipman Bye, honey.
Torrance (tries to kiss Aaron) Hi. Aaron Come on, Torr! I can't smack on you in front of the parental. (both of them left, Mr. Shipman looks gloomy) Mrs.
Shipman Remember, he's leaving for college. Shipman Right. (scene shift to Torrance and Aaron conversation in the car) Torrance So, are you excited? Aaron Oh, yeah! It's college, Torr! I'm really psyched, you know?
It's know, I'm gonna miss you. Torrance Really? But next year, it'll be you and me, reunited at Cal State Dominguez Hills! I'll be the experienced sophomore, you'll be the hot new freshman. Torrance Yep. Aaron It'll be just like high school, only better.
(arrived at the school - Aaron comes out of his car) Aaron I got the door, Torr. Aaron I got the door, Torr! Torrance What's up, Aaron? Aaron Hey, whaddup, Teddy? Hey, hey, remember, when you get captain, act surprised, ok? Torrance Don't jinx me!
(from the side of the car, enter Whitney and Courtney) Whitney Hi, Torrance. Courtney Hey, Aaron. Aaron Oh, ladies. Courtney Good luck at school.
Aaron Thank you. Whitney Oh, Aaron, come to one last practice? Courtney You know you're still our favorite cheerleader. Whitney Please? Aaron I'm sorry, guys. Torrance You're not staying for the vote? Aaron Hey, I really got to beat traffic.
I can't be late for orientation. Torrance But I really-- Aaron Hey. You're gonna get it.
Torrance Bye. (scene shift - in the girls shower room) Whitney Did you vote? Courtney Oh, yeah. Darcy thinks she should get captain 'Cause her dad pays for everything.
Whitney He should use some of that money to buy her a clue. Kasey Courtney'll get captain. The guys love touching her butt. Darcy Yeah, she's got a lot to hang onto. What's the plural for butt? On one person, I mean. Carver She puts the ass in massive.
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