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Radio isn’t just audio anymore! Today, radio channels operate in a multi-platform world. While all the traditional tasks surrounding audio programming for music and news stations such as ingest, audio recording, editing, scripting, scheduling, on-air broadcasting and logging still require careful attention, new challenges and opportunities must be addressed as well. Whether it's multichannel web delivery, streaming, satellite, on-demand audio, new HD channels or social networks delivery, radio managers need a solution that can scale up and branch out to include the latest technologies and delivery platforms.

Tailored to the needs of broadcasters, Dalet Radio Solutions cover the entire news, talk and music production chain and facilitates fast content delivery to multiple devices. Ready for convergence, this highly flexible solution manages all type of multimedia content, including audio, video, images, texts and more and allows broadcasters to operate their radio, TV and digital content production within a single system. Built on the Media Asset Management (MAM) & Orchestration platform, Dalet Radio Solutions streamlines every aspect of the digital production chain helping radio stations leverage their programming efforts and increase productivity. Solution highlights Dalet Galaxy for Radio is the only solution that includes complete tools for large-scale news stations as well as multichannel music networks in a single system. Aircrack Driver Rtl 8187b Wlan Adapter. For news stations, Dalet Radio Solutions include, a comprehensive newsroom computer system, as a module. Professional desktop tools to ingest audio, create scripts, record and edit audio, build and manage rundowns give journalists the edge for covering fast-breaking news. To boost productivity at music stations, Dalet Radio Solutions provide a unique multi-user, multi-station music scheduling engine and automated store/forward distribution system. Siedler 2 Gold Edition Download German.
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