Drivers Yamaha 01x Digital Mixer
This is my experience of TRYING to get my Yamaha 01x to work with Windows 7 64 bit. I have had to really mess about with the setup and digitally sign the various drivers and running the computer in test mode. MLan has installed completely and able to see the mixer but there are various communications issues. I am using my onboard VIA firewire, things might improve with a proper mLan certified TI card, who knows???? I do have one but it will not fit on this motherboard so I will have to test it on my main computer when I get round to adding another disk so I can install windows 7. Yamaha mLan drivers Music production tools = digital mixing studio - O1x.
Download Driver Stick Usb Itech Hockey. My review of the Yamaha 01x and i88x. Well, its a 28 Channel Digital Mixer. Under the 01x mLAN driver it pegged to 100%.
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