Free Medical Terminology Quiz
Medical Terminology questions are common on these exams,, ), exams. See also our post on and 1. The greek root -pepsia means a. Ash Intergalactic Sonic 7 Rar Zip there. The Greek root -apathy means, a.

The Latin root abdomin- means related to the, a. The appendix. The abdomen area. The larynx d. The Greek and Latin root aort means related to a.
The arteries. The Greek root brachi means related to a.
Can You Pass A Basic Medical Terminology Course? Question 1 of 13. What do the suffixes -dynia and -algia mean? Fixation pain deficiency. Next Question >. Learn medical terminology with these free online courses. See the full list of free medical terminology courses and find the course that's right for you. Test your knowledge in medical terminology in preparation for the CMA (AAMA) Certification Exam offered by the American Association of Medical Assistants.
Which Greek root means artery? Which Latin root means back? The Latin root allic- means relating to a. The little toe. The Greek root cyst(o)- means relating to a. The Greek root hemat- means relating to a.
What Greek root means relating to blood clots? Thromb(o)- b.
B The greek root -pepsia means digestion. A sample word is dyspepsia.
A The Greek root -apathy means disease. Examples include homeopathy and naprapathy. B The Latin root abdomin- means the abdomen area.
An example is abdominal. C The Greek and Latin root aort means aorta. A The Greek root brachi means arm. For example, brachium (i.e., the upper arm). C The Greek root arteri means artery.
For xample, arteriosclerosis and arteries. B The Latin root dors- means back. For example, dorsal and dorsum. C The Latin root allic- means big toe. A The Greek root cyst(o)- means bladder.
For example, Cystectomy, a procedure to remove the bladder. C The Greek root hemat- means blood. For example, Hemophilia, a blood-coagulation disorder.
A The Greek root thromb(o)- means blood clot. For example, thrombosis, the formation of a blood clot. Written by: Brian Stocker MA, Complete Test Preparation Inc. Modified: September 22nd, 2017 Published: February 7th, 2012 Author Posted on Categories, Tags.
A speciality in medicine is a branch of medical practice. Many medical specialties are organ-based while others are based mainly around a set of techniques, such as nuclear medicine or radiology. Yet, another subdivision is diagnostic versus therapeutic specialties. There is one correct answer for each question and no time limit on this Medical Specialities Quiz. Each correct answer is worth one point. Good luck, and remember that you can take the Medical Specialities Quiz multiple times on multiple days.
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