French Frogs

Kodok Oh, frog legs in soup served with rice at a restaurant in Frog legs are one of the better-known delicacies of and. The legs of are also consumed in other parts of the world, including,,, northern, the region of,,,, the northwest, the state of and the regions of the. As of 2014, the world's largest exporter of is, also a large consumer. In such regions as, and the, many frogs are still caught wild. Frog legs are rich in,,, and. They are often said to because of their mild flavor, with a texture most similar to.
The taste and texture of frog meat is approximately between chicken and fish. Frogs are raised commercially in certain countries, for example Vietnam. Frog muscles do not resolve as quickly as muscles from warm-blooded animals (chicken, for example) do, so heat from cooking can cause fresh frog legs to twitch. A vacuumed bag of frozen frog legs imported from Trade [ ] Each year about 40 million worth of frog legs are traded internationally, with most countries in the world participating in this trade. The world's top importers of frogs legs are France, Belgium and the United States, while the biggest international exporters are Indonesia and China. While these figures do not account for domestic consumption, when production from frog farms is taken into account, it is conservatively estimated that humans consume up to 3.2 billion frogs for food around the world every year. Health [ ] Movement of live or unfrozen, unskinned amphibians is a potential way for deadly amphibian diseases such as and to be transported around the world, and despite recommendations on preventing disease spread from the OIE, which regulates the international spread of epizootic diseases, few countries have adopted these recommendations as law. Connexions Methode De Francais Pdf File.
In Canada, the sale of fresh or frozen frog legs is illegal unless they are determined free from the bacteria of the genus, as per the official method MFO-10, Microbial Examination of Froglegs. Environment [ ]. Fresh frog legs sold in a market in, Many environmentalists urge the restriction of frog consumption—especially those harvested from the wild—because amphibian populations are declining and frogs are an essential element of ecosystems.
Do the French actually eat frogs' legs, or is it just a horrible myth invented by the English? One of the popular story regarding the origin of the name states that there were frogs on the French flag at one time, which is before the adoption of the Fleurs de Lis. The French were called Frogs a very long time ago because, as the story goes, they sounded like frogs to the people who encountered them. Driver Assessment Office. The French men were said to.
Conservationists warn that gastronomic demand for frogs is seriously depleting regional populations. Frogs are sensitive to environmental changes, disease, habitat degradation, and pollution. The exception to this is where the American bullfrog is not native and has been introduced. In these ecosystems, American bullfrogs can decimate local amphibian populations, upset ecosystem balance and have negative impacts on other species of wildlife as well.
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