Installing Horde Groupware Webmail Edition On Centos 5
Jun 20, 2008 Horde Groupware on CentOS 5. Troubleshooting server daemons such as Web and Mail. I did a 'yum install horde' and. The Horde Project provides a PHP-based Application Framework. It consists of webmail program IMP, a contact manager Turba, the calendar manager Kronolith, and many. Search for jobs related to Horde groupware centos or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 13m., horde groupware webmail edition install.
Bastelbogen Flugzeugtrager on this page. Download di: 2. Ekstrak file horde-webmail-lates.tar.gz di htdocs, misalkan dlm direktori /var/www/html dg perintah # tar -xzvf horde-webmail-lates.tar.gz 3. Ganti nama direktori menjadi horde, dg perintah # mv horde-webmail-1.2.6 horde 4. Ganti hak akses menjadi apache, dg perintah # chown -fR apache.apache horde 5.
Buat database horde dan hak aksesnya dg username horde dan password horde utk database horde di mysql, dg perintah # mysql -u root -p Enter password: mysql>create database horde; mysql>grant all privileges on horde.* to horde@localhost identified by ‘horde’ with grant option; mysql>Mistral Mpac30 Manually there. q # 6. Berikutnya konfigurasi dg menjalankan script setup.php, dg perintah # cd horde #./scripts/setup.php What is the web root path on your web server for this installation, i.e.
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