Qwel Certification
QWEL Greywater Workshop: Get Certified. The hands-on portion to receive their certification. Have passed the QWEL Graywater exam will be able to. The Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper (QWEL) program is well on its way to reducing Utah’s water use even further as it partners with the Environmental.
Find a Landscaper The Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper (QWEL), a program recognized by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a WaterSense certification program, provides approximately 20 hours of educational training to professional landscapers to improve efficiencies in water use. Participants receive instruction on proper plant selection for the local climate and irrigation system design, maintenance, programming and operation. Recognizing that landscape water use is one of the largest components of urban water use nationwide, the Washington County Water Conservancy District started hosting QWEL trainings to local landscapers in 2013. Download Real Orche Completo Gratis Windows 7 on this page. The next QWEL training will be scheduled soon. Training attendees will receive a certification recognized by the Utah Nursery and Landscape Association, Utah State University Extension and other local and state water entities. QWEL certification is required to participate in the district’s rebate programs.

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