Chevy Small Block Serial Number Decoder
Chevelle V8 Engine Block Casting Numbers - 1964 through 1972 These block castings were used in various other models of the Chevrolet lineup such as the passenger car, Chevy II/Nova, Camaro and Corvette. Only Chevelle-specific information is listed here to conserve space. Common Arrangement Of Work Sections For Building Works Pdf Editor. Some casting numbers are NOT listed as they may have been used in other models of the Chevrolet lineup but were NOT used in the Chevelle - such as the 1965/66/67 Chevy II blocks #3790721 and 3791362. It's important to remember the 'to' and 'from' dates listed may vary due to production lead time and stock inventories being depleted. For example just because a particular block casting may be listed as being used for a particular year doesn't imply that the engine assembly plants discarded all currently cast blocks or newer castings/designs didn't come into play if current stocks were depleted sooner than planned.
V8 Engine Block Casting Month Codes A - January D - April G - July J - October B - February E - May H - August K - November C - March F - June I - September L - December Date codes are the letter, 1 or 2 digits for the day, and 1 digit for the year such as J 25 7 would be October 25, 1967. One exception seems to be the 1970 engine blocks being dated as month letter, 1- or 2-digit date, and a 2-letter year number (70). If anyone has a photo of a KNOWN 1970 block with a single digit year code (0), please send me a photo of it and how you know it's a 1970 block. The block casting number on small block and big block Chevy V8 motors is located on a ledge found at the rear of the block, most often on the driver's side. This ledge is below the deck of the block and the ledge forms the mating surface between the block and the transmission bellhousing. The matrix below is for Chevelle applications only although many were used in other makes of the Chevrolet Division. At least one 1968 block #3914678 has been found with a casting date of - a single-digit number for the month instead of a letter.
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