Mercruiser Outdrive Serial Number
Mercruiser engine and sterndrive help and assistance Mercruiser Sterndrive Information Basic Tips and Instructions Here are some great basic instructions for some of the more common service items. These instructions should only be used as a supplemental guide to the factory. Servicing your own engine and drive is a very popular option that many 'do-it-yourselfers' perform with great success. However, you need to take into consideration your level of technical experience, level of patience and supply of. Windows Server 2012 Download Iso Direct Link. The first thing to do before performing service on your Mercruiser unit is to properly identify the engine and drive.

Every Mercruiser engine and sterndrive comes from the factory with a serial number. Older serial numbers have 7 numbers. Newer serial numbers contain a letter in the second position. Here are some examples of newer serial numbers, 0A987345, 0D123765, 0M432876, etc. Newer style serial numbers can allow us to automatically pull up your parts images.
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Older serial numbers are helpful but parts are still more difficult look up. Every Mercruiser engines serial number is stamped into a small metal plate and pinned to the side of the engine block. This plate is about 1' wide X 2' tall and it is usually pinned to the stb side of the block towards the rear. New Mercruiser Sterndrives also have serial numbers. The number is usually stamped right through the drives decals on the rear or side of the upper driveshaft housing. Plan Ahead Read as much about your service job BEFORE beginning.
Research the tools required. Make a complete assessment of all the parts and tools that you will need. Compare the cost and risks of 'doing it yourself' vs paying an experienced tech.
Make sure you have a service manual. Prepare a clean and safe working area.
Acquire all the proper cleaners, rags, sealants and lubes. Prepare to do the job RIGHT and don't take shortcuts. Safety Boats can explode. Moving parts can rip off your fingers. Hot exhaust can burn you to the bone and props can slice you up. One spark near a battery can cause an explosion. You can never be too careful.
Remove the battery from the boat before working with fuel. Always disconnect the batteries negative terminal first. Clean up any spilt fuel and let ALL of the fumes dissipate before installing the battery and starting the motor. Pulleys and Belts can grab your clothes and hair.
Don't wear loose clothing and keep your hair up under a hat. Always wear safety glasses. Sterndrives.Com I have a Mercruiser 470, 485, 488, 190, 3.7L Engine ©2004 Sterndrives.Com .
Mercruiser Stern Drive The Mercruiser Stern Drive 10-Hour Break-In: On all new or rebuilt drives there is a 10-hour break-in procedure. Avoid full throttle starts. DO NOT operate at one constant speed for extended periods of time. DO NOT exceed 75% of full throttle during the first 5 hours. During the next 5 hours, operate at intermittent full throttle. The drive unit should be shifted into forward gear a minimum of 10 times during break-in, and operated at moderate RPM after each shift.
Following the 10-hour break-in the drive lube requires changing when 20 hours on the drive is reached. After this time the normal maintenance schedule for lube change can be followed. Drive Model Year Index: A reference chart for all Mercruiser stern drives, including Alpha drives, Bravo drives, and TRS drives. The chart lists model, year, and serial number. Fluid Capacity: ALPHA approx 39.2 oz (1160 ml) w/reservoir approx 64 oz (1892 ml) BRAVO I w/reservoir approx 2.8 qts (2.65 l) BRAVO II w/reservoir approx 3.2 qts (3.03 l) BRAVO III w/reservoir approx 3 qts (2.9 l) BLACKHAWK w/o lube monitor 1.75 qts (1.66 l) with lube monitor 2.5 qts (2.61 l) TR approx 4 qts (3.80 l) TRS approx 3 qts (2.90 l) Gear Ratio: You can tell what gear ratio your drive is by looking at the stamp on the side of the upper gearcase (see picture above). The Gen 2 Alpha now has a revised lower gear ratio since 1996 which changes the overall gear ratio by a small amount.
The upper gear ratios has not changed. You can use the 'drive gear ratio chart' to see what the letter thats stamped on the yoke (splined shaft) corresponds too. You may also count the teeth of the upper gears to find out as well. Sometimes drives are regeared to a different gear ratio that is marked on the drive.
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