Office Software Protection Platform Service Event Id 1003
I am trying to assist some end users troubleshoot an issue with Outlook freezing up when attempting to send email. I have correlated this behavior with Event ID 1003 (Office Software Protection Platform Service) in the Windows Application logs. When the user sends the email, Outlook's window changes to 'Not Responding', Event ID 1003 is logged after about 1 minute, and shortly thereafter Outlook becomes responsive again. The details logged in this event log are as follows: The Software Protection service has completed licensing status check. Application Id=59a52881-a989-479d-af46-f2 Licensing Status= 1: 191301d3-a579-428c-b0c7-d7988500f9e3, 1, 0 [(0 [0xC004F014, 0, 0], [(? Aa Ante Amalapuram Remix Mp3 Song Free Download more. )(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)])(1 )(2 )] 2: 6f327760-8c5c-417c-9b61-836a98287e0c, 1, 0 [(0 [0xC004F014, 0, 0], [(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)(?)])(1 )(2 )] 3: fdf3ecb9-b56f-43b2-a9b8-1b48b6bae1a7, 1, 1 [(0 [0x00000000, 1, 0], [(?)(?)( 1 0x00000000 30 0 msft:rm/algorithm/hwid/4.0 0x00000000 0)(?)(?)(?)])(1 )(2 )] Does something need to be changed/modified/tweaked to avoid this long delay? Thanks, Vincent. Hello, So far, I can not find any known issues that we are currently working on.
Jun 04, 2014. KMS verification on MAK software. AM Event ID: 1003. Java Installation For Windows 7. Event Id 1003 Office Software Protection Platform Service. That was before I knew that I needed to have any anti stuff Event Id 1003 Office Software Protection.
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